Hace aproximadamente 2 meses tomé una decisión y llegó el momento de comunicarla. Por muchos motivos, pero fundamentalmente por el tratamiento médico de un familiar que requerirá atención constante por lo menos por unos largos 60 días, he dedicido que NO ACTUALIZARE EL BLOG POR TIEMPO INDETERMINADO. Esto sólo significa que no habrá nuevas publicaciones hasta nuevo aviso pero... NSFMTL NO CIERRA! Solamente haré mantenimiento y, fundamentalmente, trataré de que los links activos de Une Musique y Un Video lo sigan estando el tiempo que NO SERE FELIZ MAIS TENHO LARINGE esté en este forzoso receso.
¡Que tengan una hermosa Navidad y un mejor fin y comienzo de año! ¡NOS ESTAMOS VIENDO!
About 2 months ago I made a decision and it is time to communicate; for a lot of reasons, but primarily for the medical treatment of a member family that will require constant attention for at least a long 60 days, I'VE DECIDED NOT UPDATE THE BLOG INDEFINITELY. This only means that there will NOT BE new publications until further notice but... NSFMTL DON'T CLOSE! I just do maintenance and basically try to make Une Musique + Un Video links remains active while NO SERE FELIZ MAIS TENHO LARINGE will be in forced break.
¡Have a Nice Christmas and a Happy New Year! ¡SEE YOU LATER!
About 2 months ago I made a decision and it is time to communicate; for a lot of reasons, but primarily for the medical treatment of a member family that will require constant attention for at least a long 60 days, I'VE DECIDED NOT UPDATE THE BLOG INDEFINITELY. This only means that there will NOT BE new publications until further notice but... NSFMTL DON'T CLOSE! I just do maintenance and basically try to make Une Musique + Un Video links remains active while NO SERE FELIZ MAIS TENHO LARINGE will be in forced break.
¡Have a Nice Christmas and a Happy New Year! ¡SEE YOU LATER!