
Une Musique: The Guess Who - The Guess Who '70 (selección)


  1. Clock On Yhe Wall  (Sown and Grown In Canada)
  2. Baby's Birthday  (Sown...)
  3. One Day  (Sown...)
  4. Talisman  (American Woman)
  5. When Friends Fall Out  (American...)
  6. Humpty's Blues - American Woman (epilogue)  (American...)
  7. Bus Ride  (Share The Land)
  8. Moan For You, Joe  (Share...)
  9. Down Off The Money Bag-Song Of The Dog  (Share...)
  10. The Answer  (Share...)
  11. American Woman  (NSFMTL semi Popcorn edit)*

55,8 MB - MP3 - 192 - 40:40

adivina mi 1970

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